Peekaboo Beans....?!
We have added Sarah McLachlan to the Peekaboo Beans fan base (who would have thought)!
I went out to collect the mail the other day and sifted through the pile of endless bills as per usual and to my delight received a lovely gold embossed letter from Singer Songwriter and Canadian icon, Sarah McLachlan, hand written and personalized. As you can imagine, we were thrilled to receive such an gracious letter!
It was worth getting all the bills that day!
Fall 2012 Collection
Thinking Green
In our goal to be concious of how our business affects the environment, we might not move mountains (yet), but we are trying to do our part. We recently donated 700 school bags to the Wind and Tide preschool. These bags were created from scrap and end of roll fabric that might otherwise end up in the landfills. A big thank you to Togi Garments that donated their time and effort in sewing the bags for the school. The bags will be used for things like bringing books, show and tell and snacks back and forth to school. Our next project for the school are art smocks for all the little Van Gogh's!