This morning, my little Bean dressed herself in her new "frilly love" dress. She stood up and gave this look, a look that was different than any look she has given before. She tilted her head, put her little hand on her hip, and had this little twinkle in her eye. It said, "I am special, you think I am special, you know I am special, and I FEEL special". Something about the dress made her stand taller, feel proud, and feel loved.
How is it that a piece of clothing can do that to a small little bean of 3? Her intuition and her little sense of understanding told her that the dress she put on was made for her, it felt nice, it felt pretty, it felt comfortable, she could put it on herself (without help), she felt good, she felt PROUD.
Peekaboo Beans in designed for children, through their eyes, don't under estimate what they feel, what they sense, what they know.... we don't.....
Try it, and see if you see that twinkle in your beans eye too...