Fall 2012 Collection

In honor of Gratitude Day

"In daily life we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy"


Every day we are given many opportunities to make someones else's life a bit brighter, but we don't usually recognize it at that very moment.  It's truly amazing how just the smallest kind gesture can capture's a person's heart and put a real smile on their face, but we are often so busy needing to get where we are wanting to go that we forget how many people we need to pass in order to get there.  So for this week, in honor of World Gratitude Day on September 21st we are launching the Peekaboo Beans Pay it Forward Challenge.  Lets remember... simple things leave lasting impressions. 
Print our Pay it Forward Challenge and see how many of these small kind gestures you can can get done this week.  Keep us in the loop by posting your comments below.  Perhaps we will highlight your good deeds and share with the world the bit of sunshine you are bringing to the people around you. 
Download your printable copy HERE and be sure to pass along to family and friends
and keep the kindness going!

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