Fall 2012 Collection

Pop Up Playdates

Kids in this day and age are experiencing a serious Play Deficit.  And as parents, we all need to band together and do something about it.  Peekaboo Beans introduced our Play Revolution to the world in March, earlier this year, and to continue on our quest to get kids outside and experience the simple act of unstructured PLAY we are hosting a whole series of random Pop Up Playdates.  And the sole purpose of these Pop Up Playdates is simple.... get kids outside and playing!  They need this, they need free play and lots of it... to become happy, healthy human beans.

So we are launching our first round of Pop Up Playdates this month in the Greater Vancouver area, and what could be a better time of year to do this than at the very start of our winter season.  So bundle up your beans and get ready to join us for a Playdate full of PLAY!

Stayed tuned for the release of the dates and locations later this week. 

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