Fall 2012 Collection

Our quest to develop happy, healthy human Beans!

I'm sure most of our VIPBs (thats you!) have had the opportunity to view our fabulous new Fall 2014 collection in our Look Book, but we have to take a moment and point out one new addition that we are extremely excited to share with you.  

This season we have added a new element to our catalogue based on our continued quest to bring awareness on the importance of PLAY for our children.  As you flip through our pages you will find our Play Maven, Andrea's, Seal of Approval on various pages. Here's a peek...

We are constantly striving to help our children achieve the highest level of development within their individual range of possibility.  We want children to experience the world and feel good doing so. We support childhood development by promoting the importance of play for healthy development and by offering clothing that facilities play.

Play is a child's work and provides the best opportunities for learning. We encourage families and communities to recognize the necessity of play for our children. Peekaboo Beans knows the importance of understanding children's sensory preferences, creating opportunities for independence, helping them feel good about themselves and letting them express their own unique style. We keep these goals in  mind as we develop new products, ensuring all our clothes contribute to children growing up into happy, healthy HUMAN-BEANS! We are thrilled to have Andrea on our team to help support us on our playful journey. 

Here's a quick peek of our catalogue pages and what you can find throughout our Fall catalogue...



Want to know more about Andrea?  Visit www.achildssong.ca to find out what Andrea is up to and how she is making amazing changes in peoples lives! 


Don't forget... join in all the PLAYFUL FUN with our Summer Break Play Challenge!  Get all the details HERE

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