Peekaboo Beans and Buggy Babies Fitness, presents
"Buddha Bellies and Buggy Babies" Get Back To It at Back to School!
Peekaboo Beans Beans and Buggy Babies Fitness have joined together to promote the importance of creating positive physical, mental & social habits of our children starting at any early age. You can start by allowing your child to explore the magic of yoga. Let your child be active, stay calm and maintain focus while having fun and feeling comfortable with their bodies and their clothes.
When you sign your preschool aged child up for 'Kids Yoga' with Buggy Babies Fitness for Fall 2007, they will be entered into our special draw. You could win a 3 piece outfit from Peekaboo Beans Fall Line, boy or girl sizes 2 to 6. Enjoy a new shirt, pants and a hoodie!!! Combining Style with Substance!
For more info visit
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