The Healing Power of Trees
Today I was in such a funk! A funk that even my cheerful Granddaughter could not get me out of and that is aserious funk when she can't cheer me up! I had suffered what I felt was an unkindness by someone close to me followed by a slight snub. I couldn't get myself out of my slump nor did I want to. I held my hurt to my chest, embracing the heck out of it, not able to let it go. My eyes were sort of glazed, my voice a monotone. I was also angry at myself for letting this nonsense get to me yet again.
As I sat, firmly entrenched in my mood, my husband noticed our neighbours outside, digging a hole. There was a beautiful Japanese Maple tree standing nearby, waiting to be planted. He decided to go out and see if he could help. I stayed on the couch, sulking and feeling sad. Soon, I heard laughter outside, and I glanced out, and saw a little crowd around the hole, shovels and wheelbarrows in hand, laughing and sweating, but chatting amiably as they worked. Well, I thought, I guess I could just go out and see what's up. Soon I was busy too, sifting dirt and raking soil. An hour and a half later, the little tree was proudly situated in the hole. Our neighbors thanked us profusely for our help and we came inside. It was then that I realized that my funk was gone. I was no longer feeling sorry for myself. I felt cheerful and optimistic. I had badly needed to get outside of myself but didn't have the will to let go of my hurt and anger. When I finally managed to let it all go, I felt so much better. Now every time I see that beautiful tree outside my kitchen window, I will remember this lesson; Help out, do something nice for someone else, laugh and sweat and enjoy the company. It will be good for you.